With PlayStation services being down/ having problems and people being unable to play does bungie plan to extend the contest to allow those players more time to clear?
Honestly wouldnt even bother for contest emblem. With extended contest theres no point. Itll just be another common emblem
Have they even said anything about this?
For those of us on PSN and wanting to complete the challenge, extending the option for selecting contest mode due to Sony's issues would be great.
It would be the correct thing to do, lets hope that they see it as it is, a fault beyond thier control and players control, and actually give us back the hours missed because of Sony going down, I would also like to see additional hours added because of the time teams spend already in the dungeon proir to being removed, having to restart because of this. if at all a full 12 hours added should be sufficent to please everyone providing the issue is resolved soon with PSN. I'm sure that in the past they have extended times before. I beleive bungie will do the right thing for everyone.
Would be amazing as I took time off work to participate in contest mode. I doubt anything will change or a statement will be made to acknowledge this.