Maybe I just have a sour taste for the symbols. But I just hate the mechanics of this new dungeon. I don’t know, my excitement for Dungeons is dying as it’s becoming all about puzzles for day 1. I was for Day 1 dungeons, but now… if they want to make dungeon annoying for it meh. Not worth it.
Just a small edit: Memorizing the symbols isn’t part of the issue.
For clarification, I don’t think the Dungeon is bad because of the mechanics. However I do think mechanics can get a bit tedious making it feel bad.
Изменено (Old-Sarge): 2/11/2025 1:52:50 PMI also wanted to bring up what you said about the symbols , you literally have to memorize 28 different symbols, recall them instantly, while being over run by ads, then work harder under pressure , and then do it again 3 to 5 times. I know you get better doing it repetitively , but I don’t have this time. When in actuality, I do, I just don’t want to. There I said it.
Looks awesome to me. Encounters, lore, and loot. I’m excited to grind it out and seems to be the best part of Heresy.
Изменено (Old-Sarge): 2/9/2025 2:30:39 PMAs a Beta Guardian Day 1, what 10 years ago, working full time and trying to game, it was manageable. Today and older it’s just not fun any longer. Competition Mode isn’t meant for the average guardian, I get that , it’s for the elitist streamers earning a living on us watching their time playing. I hate the symbols mechanics also. It used to be manageable to find out what mechanic was, now it’s just “let’s see if we can stump Datto, cactus, Aztec, salt ,Mactics etc etc….. “ . I don’t have the Icebreaker ( and won’t) and I’m not gonna get what ever it is for this mini raid/dungeon. In the end , I respect those that have the skill set for this Day 1 event and when they turn it off. But at 65 , the fun flame is flickering . Salute to my Veterans. Old-Sarge over and out.
I would like to see participation number forall raids and dungeons over the course of the entire game history.
I remember when the raids and dungeons were fun and not a contest to see how long it takes to get world's first completion. Bungie is catering to a few hundred people, and yet they are then surprised when people leave the game by the thousands. If Bungie keeps catering to the few, then that's all that will be left (As seen by player counts).
I just hate that there was no intuitive or logical reason behind the mechanics of the last encounter. There’s no positive feedback for anything you do, so on day 1, no one knew what symbols to input. It seemed like some arbitrary mechanic that gave no positive feedback for when you were on the right track. There was no information leading to the idea that the symbol a grim drops, needs to be disabled, along with the other 2 symbols on that half of the glyph wall, and then the 3 symbols on the other side have to be enabled. Verity had a very similar issue. No positive feedback. A vitally important aspect of puzzle solving in video games. It doesn’t need to show you the solution, but it needs to provide the raw information that players can put together into pieces that solve the puzzle.
Honestly I just don't like the direction dungeons are going they were supposed to be the middle ground to get the player mind set ready before raiding but now they feel soo mechanical heavy up there with raids that's why you starting to see less and less players want to do them now.
Second encounter is probably the most annoying.
Изменено (SynK Deagle): 2/10/2025 9:54:45 PMThe only encounter I feel is tedious is second, the amount of adds and very little cover in the room from the constant shooting of the shriekers, however I have learned that commune does not change how long damage phase is the location of kill affects the duration and commune is what lets the shriekers shoot according to my dungeon team 😂 that’ll make it so much easier if that is the case. But I love the other two encounters, first is just fun with the mirrors and the third is not to quick but not to long to get to damage phase and is pretty fun however the constant suspend and pulls from the boss makes it so annoying; if you get caught by it at the start or end of the damage phase it’s just instant death. Gonna suck solo.
It is a bit tedious that's for sure. Done it once but still need to watch stuff to fully understand
I get you but after spending 30ish hours in contest it’s really not that bad once you actually understand the mechanics, particularly on encounter 2. The biggest issue was how much misinformation there was day one from people brute forcing it “thinking” they understood it that made things more complicated than it needed to be, for encounter 2 specifically once you know to immediately get 3 dials to stop as soon as essence starts dropping and the last to kill the tedious aspect goes away entirely since you should be going into a damage phase after like 3-4 sets of adds, micro managing the dials only becomes a problem when you don’t clear adds fast enough and let the dials get to a second rotation.
They replace entertainment with tedious mechanics intended to increase /timeplayed from players that will endure tedium for dopamine rewards
Изменено (LegaC): 2/10/2025 12:49:01 PMI didn't find it too bad. I think the symbol/light mechanic is fine in general. However, the second encounter (4 eyes) seems to be rather annoying. I really don't like having to hide every few seconds (feels like that, not literally) to prevent symbols locking, especially when it seems like people are sometimes seen regardless. There needs to be some very clear indicator of visibility in the HUD for that encounter
I feel like they are starting to design dungeons purely for excitement surrounding worlds first runs, while not considering how enticed people will be to continue running them. I think the last dungeon I legitimately enjoyed was warlord's ruin. Ghost of the deep was way too long and drawn out. Vespers is just a resigned Deepstone with loot I did not personally care to even go for. Now this new one also is just too drawn out on the encounters and probably has the worst looking dungeon armor they've made to date, and no weapons enticing enough to go for other than the exotic that will take 50+ runs to drop for me lol.
Annoying is putting it nicely. I'm glad to see other people who agree start to speak up
this is just absurd... They managed to make a game for 1% I wonder if they themselves play D2? The former director couldn't even complete lost sector... this is a good indicator not to buy the next dlc or whatever it will be it doesn't matter the game is dying but the 1% and streamers will stay for the money
I've yet to do the new dungeon, however, I was a bit put off with the palaver to get to damage phase on the most recent dungeon boss. If it's more time consuming than that, doubt I'll be doing it once I get the exotic 🤷♂️
I want to go back to Shattered Throne. Now we need some honesty here. ST is more like Glorified Strike. It’s super simple and easy. So why bring it up? The bouncing around following the symbols is a perfect example of doing the mechanic too many times. Three times is all that would be needed. Three times now? Well Mechanically speaking… mechanics are a bit more involved now.
I agree on my part I don't know the symbols, I have very short term memory and have avoided most activities that rely on these symbols, so I guess it's another avoid for me. For example when I do POH I have to take a photo of the symbols. I could learn and better my memory but don't think it should be a prerequisite for playing a shooter game, and to be honest I have more important things to be doing in life than learning symbols. I did do the first encounter last night and that was boring enough.
No one has an excuse for not knowing the symbols. They have been apart of the game for 3 years now and haven’t changed. We have multiple records of what they are called and they are used across multiple activities. Symbols shouldn’t be an issue. Now if you were complaining about the other mechanics, understandable, have a good day, but you are complaining about memorizing a bunch of names.
I disagree with this take. The dungeon is supposed is a raid in terms of complexity but with mechanics that are designed to be done by 1 person to protect that solo flawless mantra. We are seeing the evolution of difficulty rise due to power, movement, and skill creep. Raids themselves started at simply stand on plate and shoot oracles and grew to what you see in Salvation's Edge. They will continue to evolve to match what guardians are capable of and as we get better and better stuff the difficulty ceiling will rise proportionally as well.
It’s a huge accomplishment. But it’s not meant to have you giddy with dopamine the whole time. If you don’t want to do it contest than that’s fine. Don’t do it
I don't get wanting dungeons to be glorified strikes. Mechanically the dungeons not hard. A lot of mis information about second but as long as kills in the far left you get the max damage time.
Yeah, it's more stressful than anything including the extra things that pop out after you kill each ad. It's non stop ads with non stop extra things to shoot while you.try to figure it out. The last two dungeons weren't as fun as the previous one
Изменено (SnookCharmer): 2/9/2025 5:23:21 PMDid you hear about the new bar Bungie is opening in Seattle? Only a $20 cover to get in, but you'll need to watch a lengthy YouTube video first. And there's a dress code. Men must wear a jacket and purple tie, leather-soled Chelsea boots, and gold-plated cuff links. Women must wear 4-inch heels, black mini skirts, earrings matching their birthstones, and a tanzanite necklace. Ordering drinks will be challenging but super fun! First, customers will stand on their heads, in a circle, for 60 seconds while reciting the Cyrillic alphabet backwards. Then they will need to find six tokens hidden throughout the bar, which then spawns an invisible man who they'll need to melee in the kidney. After performing this whole ritual three times, customers will be granted a 2-second window to approach the bar and attempt to order a drink. They'll probably have to rinse and repeat 12 times before being served, but they'll feel especially satisfied afterwards. Anyone who complains will be mercilessly shamed by snobby patrons from atop their pedestal in the corner (many of whom are sans libation of their own). How long do y'all think this bar will remain in business?
Honestly the dungeons are getting worse and worse by the day, last decent dungeon was Warlords ruin. These new two dungeons just seem to drag out and over stay their welcome. Overly long puzzle mechanics, which sure are fun the first time, but then after playing it multiple times just become a boring chore. I always thought of Dungeons as lite raids, with lite mechanics since it's a three man activity, this is newest dungeon is basically a raid in terms of mechanics and it just sucks, especially when all the weapons seem pretty mid and the armor looks like a rebrand of root of nightmares vomit. Don't get me wrong it was "fun" for a contest mode thing, but now they're building around contest mode dungeons this is only going to do more harm in the long run.