For the Love of the Traveler, do something. I'm 100% sure, without any real evidence, that there's some bs happening with these drops.
@Destiny2Team · 19h After an investigation, we have discovered that Finality's Auger, the exotic found in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, isn't currently dropping as expected. We are actively investigating the root cause and discussing options to address this issue as soon as possible.
The sad thing is at this point, I would believe that Bungie made the Exotic's drop rate so low that the computer they programmed it on rounded down to zero.
I’ve done it a handful of times the second encounter only gives me boots. Every. Single. Time.
Trials is literally raining loot. But dungeons still drop one item, probably armor you’ll instantly delete, per encounter. We desperately need increased drops and the ability to choose if we want armor and weapons. You can’t create an activity with a rewards system designed for farming and proceed to make it the least rewarding thing in the game. I log off feeling unfulfilled every night. All I’m asking is to be able to pick weapons only and give us some extra drops to justify the 1/216 odds of getting the roll you want (1/108 if we could pick weapons only, 1/54 if it was double drops of our choice).
Изменено (glitchHiker): 2/18/2025 4:28:23 PMOf course it's dropping mostly armor, vesper/warlord/prophecy all do it too. I've had two complete runs (1 vesper, 1 prophecy) where all I got was armor, even from the hidden chests. Sundered's RNG is 100% working as intended. It's how they keep us playing. Edit: it just happened to me again for the third time now, just did a prophecy run and got 5/5 armor drops. There needs to be some kind of attunement system for dungeons/raids.
The dungeon weapon chase is somehow still beyond awful after all this time. Every new dungeon we go over this. They do nothing. What a disappointment to see dungeon weapons squandered like this.
Dungeon rng does need tuning. Something is wrong when you get the same drop whether it be the same gun or same piece of armor 6 times in a row. They could easily implement a knockout system or even create something you can earn or purchase in game with mats that gives you bonus chance at either weapons or armor. The last 3 dungeons have been especially terrible with rng.
It's literally bugged. Won't be able to get it until the upcoming patch they have planned for it
Just got the exotic with zero boosting triumphs finished.
When you've never even played it, kindly shut the -blam!- up
5 pieces of armour 1 run is a joke ..
We just did a Master run and all I got was armour, all with horrible stats lol. The only upside is I got the mark.
You should be able to pick a weapon or armor, or the game could not be stingy and give one of each at every encounter.....
My friend has 3 runs in, and only dropped one weapon... everything else is armor. While I have only dropped 2 pieces of armor in the dungeon. Would much prefer the ability to choose weapons only in normal, and armor only in master (or have a choice in chests per encounter, maybe even able to get both chests in master).
Son of a Kaiju - старое
There should be two chests per encounter one for guns one for armor you get to pick only one on normal and both on hard multi chests are in other activities so why not in dungeons and raids? Seems a simple solution to me -
They should be deploying a fix, but.. "According to data pulled from and, the number of players who own Finality’s Auger is exactly the same as the number of players who own the Contest Mode emblem “Last Erasure.” (3.15% and 27,517 players, respectively)"
PLAYER RETENSION. Look at how they have literally "TIME GATED" stuff this season compared to others. This will only continue to drive players away instead of keeping them. Good. this game needs to die!!
"It's just rng bro" - likely some child.
[quote]For the Love of the Traveler, do something. I'm 100% sure, without any real evidence, that there's some bs happening with these drops.[/quote] Almost like we need an armor rework.
I bought the icebreaker ornament last time with silver (Bungie gave it away for BG later last season tho sad !!). I will buy the ornament for Finality’s Auger this season as well for silver so it’s your loss Bungie if you don’t let this exotic drop early… Business is Business you should always let the silver spenders win 😎
I’m getting the opposite hit all the weapons but missing the armour
This has to be troll post. They have not even played the new dungeon.
You know you can't farm the exotic right????
Bro it’s been 2 weeks. The dungeon exotic is RNG.
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