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2/14/2025 7:20:15 PM

Join us at ~Dreadnaught~ for 24/7 LFG, Raids, Sherpas, and more!

Are you [i]bored[/i] with Destiny 2? Are you [i]tired[/i] of not having anyone to raid with? Are you [i]struggling[/i] to find help? If you answered yes to any of those questions, [b]~DREADNAUGHT~[/b] is the Destiny 2 clan for you! We have worked tirelessly to make a clan for all players, regardless of skill level, to come and enjoy one of the best growing communities in the game for ALL activities. Our server hosts PvP and PvE events [b]DAILY![/b] How do you join our growing community? EASY! Step 1. [b]UPVOTE[/b] and [b]COMMENT[/b] on this forum post Step 2. Click THIS ( link and type /register to be sorted into our clan. Step 3. Say hello to your new clan mates in general chat! It’s just [b]THAT[/b] easy! We look forward to meeting you and enjoying the game that we all love, together. Thank you so much for your time, and we can’t wait to cater to the best community in the world.

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