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Изменено (Myth of Tyrant): 1/11/2013 9:33:20 PM

Question about Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

So I have the Red Dead Redemption disc and I have the free Outlaws to the End DLC. I got the Undead Nightmare disc from someone for Christmas, which was pretty cool. I figured it would be like the Fallout 3 and Oblivion GOTY editions I had, where you installed the second disc for the extra content and played from the base game. However, I found that Undead Nightmare is a stand-alone disc, allowing me to access all the DLC from that disc. This seems like it was made so people could buy Undead Nightmare and not the full game and still play it, which is an admirable enough move on 2K and R*'s part. However, I would like to have all the content accessible from one disc. My question is then: if I install Undead Nightmare to my hard drive, can I access the content from Red Dead Redemption vanilla's disc? Would it work like installing the DLC? Or am I just committed to switching the discs every time I want to play vanilla's campaign? Thanks in advance. EDIT: Sentence structure.

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