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2/1/2013 1:42:06 AM

Vaportini: "A revolutionary new way to consume alcohol"

[url][/url] [quote]The Vaportini provides a revolutionary way of consuming alcohol. It is inhaled rather than swallowed. It is smooth and flavorful, the subtleties of the individual spirits are apparent. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and does not go through the digestive tract. This has the advantage of no calories; no carbs, no impurities and the effects of consuming alcohol are immediately felt, making it easier to responsibly imbibe. Unlike traditional consumption of spirits, Vaportinis give more control, shortly after exhaling all of the effects of the alcohol consumed are felt. In contrast, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to feel the full effects of spirits that are swallowed[/quote] Anyone heard of this yet? Anyone use one? I'm really considering buying this out of curiosity.
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