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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (AZRIEL): 2/16/2013 9:31:05 PM

Just Spitballin

Sources; [url][/url] [url][/url] Be Brave. Let us speculate on the motives of the 5 possible Destiny factions in relation to the leaked synopsis. We know of 5 factions (possible but we cannot know for sure what they are [i]now[/i]...) -[b]Dead Orbit[/b]: Are they for or against the giant sphere floating over Puerto Princessa? Do they view the traveler as our protector or our demise? Their name, Dead Orbit, suggests the former, but even if they are suspicious, or know, of the alien intent, do they intend to help it? Knowledge at the expense of humanity? -[b]FWC[/b]: Little can be speculated about this possible group. Three innocuous letters carrying so much meaning. Is it For Worlds Conquered a humanitarian effort to bring peace and restoration to the solar system? Is it Forward We Cleanse, a radical religious faction? -[b]New Monarchy[/b]: Would seem to be associated with the last city on Earth. Are they a peaceful faction, shepherds guarding the flock of humanity? Do they intend to strike out with an iron rod and establish their world order as the superior and only one? Or perhaps they are rebels, wishing to destroy the last city and establish a new leader, but who could hope to fill the role of the guardian of humanity? -[b]Osiris[/b]: They take the name of the Egyptian god of the afterlife. Leering eye of Osiris. Dark undertones. Are they a group of human conspirators? Do they offer an eternal destiny? Or are they something something other... -[b]Seven Seraphs[/b]: Named for the Abrahamic six winged servants of God. Are they an airborne faction? Do they spend their time in their fightercraft, among the stars? Are they a disciplined militaristic conglomerate? Or are they spited pirates of the sky? Do they fight for humanity? Do they exercise the will their God? Who might that be? Discuss the motivation of the possible factions in relation to what we know of this story: Destiny. What cause does each group rally by? Which do you rally by? Choose with care and wisdom. Care and wisdom, fellow knights, and bravery. *friendly smirk*
#Destiny #bravery

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