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Изменено (TopWargamer): 2/24/2013 8:33:00 PM

"HP Slate 7 Hands On: A Better Way to Do Android" - $170 tablet

[url=]Source 1 (Gizmodo)[/url] [url=]Source 2 (The Verge)[/url] It's cool to see HP getting back into the tablet business again, and this time around they're doing it right (by 'right' I mean using Android OS). [u][b]SPECS:[/b][/u] 7" tablet $170 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Stainless steel frame Weights eight tenths of a pound --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dual-core 1.6GHz ARM Cortex-A9 1024 x 600 resolution FFS+ LCD touchscreen 1GB of RAM 8GB of storage (expandable via microSD) WiFi (obviously) Bluetooth 2.1 Front facing camera Rear facing camera (3MP) Stereo speakers (obviously) Beats audio This tablet stacks up fairly well as a middle man in between the [url=]$150 ASUS Memo[/url] and the [url=]$200 Google Nexus 7[/url]. Thoughts on HP returning to the tablet world? How is this tablet looking to you? Will you buy one?

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