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4/29/2013 3:16:20 AM

Iambic Pentameter is a pain

I have to write a sonnet for English class and over the course of it I, somehow, began to get an ear for Iambic Pentameter and can tell when something is in it without having to count the syllables or look at the scansion of the line. It's kind of cool but in the beginning I was super frustrated with it, so I've now written this to reflect that frustration: Iambic Pentameter really sucks. What devil conjured this unholy stain Upon the World of Lit'rature? Just luck Is there to guide a poet through its pains. And yet a silver lining does exist: At least iambic penta' isn't piss. What writing assignments have you had lots of trouble with in school? Did you ever have to write poetry? How did you like (or hate) it? How did you feel about reading Shakespeare and other works of iambic pentameter and the like?

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