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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Progo): 4/24/2013 11:43:00 PM

Give Us Enemies We Love to Hate!

"Every fairytale needs a good old fashioned villain." -Moriarty. So, it sounds like their will be a lot of bad guys in Destiny. However we need something to make us hate the invading aliens, sure they destroyed most of humanity, but I get the impression that happened a little bit before the events of Destiny 1 take place. What I'm saying is that we shouldn't be fighting a Hatfield and McCoy second generation war, our characters need a direct reason to stomp their faces in, and feel good afterwards. Perhaps it will be something you discover, as you mop up a squad of Fallen, you're standing in a decades-old nursery, or maybe you'll discover bones of women and children in a bomb shelter. But if the game is going to have RPG elements it has to give proper incentive, otherwise the killing is just to enjoy the loot. TLDR: Make us hate the aliens for more than just pushing us back, loot and the challenge of fighting is a good incentive, but we need to get a warm feeling by killing the enemy. Any ideas on how Bungie should fuel the furnace of our Guardian's retribution?

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