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5/29/2013 1:14:09 AM

Train Simulators: Best Games Ever?

Now, now, now, I know what you're thinking. "RakoKoro," You undoubtedly scream at your computer, "Your previous statement is untrue! Farm Simulators dominate the market!" I know, I'm going against the big guns here like FarmVille, but I have recently found a gem deep in the mountains of Xbox Live Indie Games; this game is a holy relic among virtual adventures, a piece of God himself: [i]Train Frontier Express.[/i] This game, for a measly price of 240ms points, offers the best of the best. Terrain adjusting, tracks that can turn corners, customizable train carts, and even explosions! This game has something for everyone, and is the best game I have played in the past year. Just check this out:[url=]Just check these amazing reviews![/url] Google Image that sexy shit, you will be floored. [quote]This is the best game ever.[/quote] [i]-Nikolai Tesla[/i]

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