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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Verachi): 6/7/2013 11:04:41 PM

Will Destiny only use the cloud system?

It sure sounds like it. So does this mean Destiny will only use the cloud or will we be able to save on the hardrive as well? Are we going to need an internet connection to play Campaign? I'm guessing we don't have any info on this. Hopefully E3 will clarify. [url=][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Joseph Staten You’re in a big world that’s populated by other players, a living world where things happen even if you’re not there[/url][/quote] [url=][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A new generation of games with power from the cloud: Because every Xbox One owner has a broadband connection, developers can create massive, persistent worlds that evolve even when you’re not playing. [/url][/quote]
#Destiny #cloud

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