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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Zaki Greenmiles): 6/15/2013 12:16:47 PM

¿if i don't want be in any faction?

I mean, we have some info about the game, and the most of here, just we love it. I'm new in the forum, i started this week to participe in active way more or less, and getting informed about the ''factions'' thing. So, i was thinking, maybe the guys from Bungie staff want you in ''x'' faction for play the game, but, know me myself, i don't want be in any faction, just be guardian that just want take back our solar sistem, a mercenary for be more precise, that only get so much loot, fight against our enemies and have a ''contract'' of interest with some factions for a time and then left them for keep going your own path and The Traveler can keep guide us to the stairs of greatness and become somdeday a legend. If you go over [url=]here[/url], you can check the type of warrior that actually i'am. Actually, a mercenary must be the neutral one, the type of guardian that just keep neutral in eyes of other factions that are actually in ''war'' between them; i mean, any faction consider hostile a guardian from other faction, and you get (maybe) insta-attacked. Being a mercenary, you just pass unnoted from the factions and you are not attacked, you can coexist perfectly with them. And who knows, have a contract of interests with that faction. The mercenary, is interesed in loot, benefits and follows the orders from The Traveler for get back the Solar System from our enemies. Don't cares the baby fights between factions. He/she is a focus person for reach his main objective (take back our stuff). The mercenary have the feeling of ''brotherhood'', that's mean if other mercenary need a temporal team for fight against... For put an example, The Fallens (bastards), then you join to help and you get mutual benefits, later of that, yous still follow your own path, but theres ever a principle of brotherhood bewteen mercenaries, based in interests and benefits, and maybe, just maybe, friendship. So... If is getting obligatory be part from a factions, just choose some the ideal one according you beliefs, but remember, tag yourself like a mercenary, for not have troubles with the enemy faction that already you're, and keep neutral in their sight. Just sayin'. So, guys, ¿What you think about this? ¿Could be necessary be part of a faction? ¿Will be a obligatory? Who knows, just let your opinion about this topic. And sorry about maybe my bad redaction of this thread, english in not my native language.

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