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6/19/2013 10:26:14 PM

Looks like I'll be getting an Xbox One now

So with the recent news regarding Microsoft reversing it's DRM policy, the one thing that had been keeping me from going for the One has been resolved: I can now play games offline without the need of the 24 hour check in. I know some people saw it as a non-issue, but for me it was just a matter of long-term planning. I don't want the possibility of my console becoming a brick when it is no longer supported and the 24 hour check in is no longer possible. Besides, the need of an Internet connection to play a game like Skyrim, just an example, seems odd to me. That said I do feel sorry to dedicated MS supporters with the loss of some of the features like family sharing. Honestly, that sucks. However, I'm confident that MS will find a way to incorporate what they had to remove some day down the line. See ya'll on Live.

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