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Изменено (The Flash): 6/21/2013 10:58:24 PM

Xbox One - New Info on Digital Sharing/MS Still Committed to Digital

Not sure if anyone has posted this here yet but this article contains some new information regarding the family sharing plan that was supposed to launch with the Xbox One before this week's policy shift. It contains an analysis of the Pastebin article that was allegedly put up by a "heartbroken Xbox engineer" which claimed that the family plan was nothing more than a digital demo system. A number of individuals took to Twitter to ask various MS VPs about it and got some interesting responses. [quote] Matt MacDonald @lx_KillFace_xl @aarongreenberg So, if 1 hour time limit isn't true, what was Family Sharing then? Was it as awesome as people imagined it to be? Aaron Greenberg @aarongreenberg @lx_KillFace_xl There was no time limit, it was as we described. Team still investing in more digital features over time.[/quote] [quote] Haris @EvilFiek @notwen would the original family share have had only offered time-limited access to games for family members? Marc Whitten @notwen @EvilFiek No, that would be silly. Don't believe everything you read online![/quote]

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