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впервые опубликовано в:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
8/1/2013 7:20:26 PM

Russia grants Snowden Temporary Asylum

[quote]MOSCOW — Edward Snowden, the fugitive former U.S. security contractor, left the transit zone at Moscow’s international airport Thursday after Russian authorities granted him temporary asylum. Anatoly Kucherena, an attorney for Snowden, said documents were issued Thursday allowing Snowden to live and work in Russia for up to one year while his application for permanent political asylum is pending. Snowden, 30, had been stranded in Russia’s Sheremetyevo Airport for more than five weeks. Edward Snowden left the transit zone at Moscow's international airport Thursday, August 1 after receiving permission from the Kremlin to enter Russian territory. Snowden leaves Moscow airport In Washington, White House spokesman Jay Carney said President Obama is “extremely disappointed” by Russia’s action and is reevaluating a planned trip to Moscow next month for a summit meeting with President Vladi­mir Putin. On Capitol Hill, U.S. lawmakers reacted furiously to the development, warning of serious repercussions in U.S.-Russian relations. Kucherena told the state broadcaster Russia 24 that Snowden left the airport in a taxi Thursday afternoon “for a secure location,” eluding reporters who have camped at the airport since he arrived June 23 on a flight from Hong Kong. The lawyer described Snowden as “the most wanted man on the planet” and said he “needed time to adapt to Russian realities.”[/quote]Well now. Discuss.

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