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Изменено (TopWargamer): 11/11/2013 4:03:38 PM

Sony is implementing PS4 DRM for the resell of games (Do ctrl + F and search for resale, that's where you'll find it.) Sony...this is just plain...dirty. I thought you were for non-DRM on the resell of games. What happened?

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  • [quote]11. Use restrictions (known as DRM) Some services available via the SEN may have specific rules on how they may be used. For instance, you may be restricted to downloading, streaming and/or using the service: (i) in your country of residence only; (ii) with the purchasing SEN account only; (iii) with certain Sony systems and/or other devices only; and/or (iv) with a certain number of Sony systems that are associated with the purchasing SEN account only. These restrictions are outlined at the time of purchase but may not be displayed in your SEN account language. We are able to offer the services to you at the price specified only on the basis that they are managed by the DRM. Please make sure you understand these restrictions before purchasing. In those restrictions, HOME CONSOLE means a PS3 and PORTABLE CONSOLE means a PSP, a PS Vita or a PS Mobile device. Activation of the relevant Sony system by the purchasing SEN account may be required. If you delete the account that purchased the Service or deactivate the relevant Sony System, you may lose access to and use of the service. We reserve the right to limit the number of times that a Sony System may be activated or deactivated. You may download any service purchased from PlayStation®Mobile via a PlayStation-Certified mobile device on up to three compatible activated PlayStation-Certified mobile devices.[/quote] Here's the entire section on DRM

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