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Изменено (Raptorkid24): 1/1/2014 2:40:43 PM

Should 343i become independent?

I have a feeling that most of Halo 4's errors were due to Microsofts influences. I've read that people high up Microsoft, many who know little about game making, are allowed to have drastic creative decisions, yet no one calls them out because of their position. I have a hunch that they insisted on the bland load out and progression system, as well as the demanding so many Spartan ops eps that they all became repetitive, and the bestial looking not-covenant. These changes all seem like an attempt of generalisation, to get a wider audience. But, hypothetically, if 343i somehow became independent from Microsoft, and obtained the rights to halo, they may not need to generalise since they can sell Halo on playstation and PC as well. 343 would also have more creative freedom and a greater window of time, so stuff may be less rushed. Not to mention the PC modding community could provide a great boost for Halo's community, perhaps a return to the fun of Halo 2 custom.

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