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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/26/2013 3:05:23 AM

Art Contest Winners!

The above painting, by [url=!page=index&mid=4174280]Goliath[/url] took first place and $20 of his choice in gaming currency! Well done :D [url=]THA rofltard's fine work[/url] was a close second and received a $15 iTunes giftcard from Capiton Render. And [url=]Ghost 0f Dawn created this dramatic piece![/url] Winning himself a Destiny beta code! Honorable mentions (I wish I had more prizes) go to: [url=]Balto[/url] [url=]Master Coy[/url] [url=]OPs mom[/url] [url=]Mumz Opt[/url] [url=]And Argentheart[/url] (he wasn't allowed to compete on account of being a judge, but he made this anyway) Thank you for participating in the Destiny Christmas Art Contest! I'm glad we got so much participation, even from a certain insane Brit who spammed MS paint masterpieces... *cough* Mr. Psychologist *cough* If you haven't done so yet, join [url=]Art&Stuff[/url], it's a wonderful place to get friendly feedback on art of any medium, has nearly 500 members, and is the home for contests such as the one I just hosted. So join already! :] Be Brave, PermeableProgo. [spoiler]I'm thinking this should be a seasonal thing, maybe Valentines in Destiny should be next. What do [i]you[/i] think?[/spoiler]

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