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1/20/2014 8:02:59 AM

I'm so ridiculously tired

Had a party last night and went to bed around 1am, which is pretty early compared to my other 4am adventures. I was sharing a tent with Bnet's Batch and Exodus and woke up at 6:30. About half an hour or so later I decided that my stomach was too uncomfortable and so I climbed out of the tent to discover that it was still dark. Then after checking my watch, I discovered that it was only 4:25am and that my sleepy brain had misread my watch earlier. So anyway, now I'm here blogscussioning it to you and am pretty damn tired compared to other nights I've had with far less sleep. [spoiler]Oh god I sound like Shadows[/spoiler] For actual discussion value, what's the tiredest you've been? Have you ever had lack-of-sleep induced hallucinations? Longest you've gone without sleep?

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