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2/21/2014 2:54:12 PM

Had a bit of an existential crisis today

"NUE DIS ISNT UR BLOHG" idgaf, the Flood seems like an appropriate place to vent considering I don't have anyone else to talk to today. So just a bit of background information; I'm at University doing Business and Economics and work two jobs. Today was a funny day though, because I recently discovered two of my friends will be dropping out of my course after this semester, and it really just caught me off guard. These two friends had coincidentally been high school buddies as well, so to have them not there after the year was a shock to the system. It also made me realise I wasn't at Uni to learn or obtain an education, I was just there for banter and high school nostalgia. I don't know whether I should drop out as well. I don't mind the course, I'm just not passionate about it. I don't have any other skills so if I do drop out all I'll have to fall back on is work, which I'm not too keen on either. Any advice?
#Offtopic #uni #life

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