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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
впервые опубликовано в:Owners of the Katana
Изменено (burritosenior): 6/27/2014 11:23:25 PM

Destiny Achievements Revealed!

[quote]Editor's Note: You will need to actually go to the link of the picture to view it acceptably.[/quote]Howdy all! So the weekly update released Destiny's achievements. This is awesome news in itself. It even has some clan specific achievements, so OTK people will have even more of a reason to play together! I look forward to it! So the link is for the information. But the thread? The thread is for... our join requirements. And this is also open to the public intentionally. See folks, for almost seven years now OTK has existed as a group used for those that have achieved something in a Bungie game. So now we have to decide... what is that thing going to be in Destiny? In the past, only having 1000 GS in a Halo game, or the Katana in Halo 3 would allow one to be accepted into the group. But what should that requirement be with Destiny? And to the community at large- what kind of thing do YOU think would symbolize somebody having achieved something special? Personally, the 'Suited for War' achievement has caught my eye. Although I also like the sound of 'Epic Raider,' depending on the difficulty of these raids (is their difficulty exaggerated by Bungie for the sake of PR? I hope not!). So... the Floor is yours, everybody. What sort of things should people have to achieve if they want to be part of such an old tradition as OTK? Or rather, what do you think would qualify as an extraordinary accomplishment in Destiny that can be observed by a user here on or Xbox/

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