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Изменено (Pegboard): 7/18/2014 10:20:11 PM

Ability to say "Thanks" -Gestures

I appreciate the little bit of non verbal communication we do have through dancing, waving, pointing and sitting, but I feel like what I really need is the ability to say "thank you" on command. There has been many a time where I've been in a tight spot and some one has helped me out, and I've wished I could show gratitude. Especially in a cooperative game I believe it is important. My proposal is simple, the animations for waving works well for thanking, but by pointing your cursor over a player and [b]holding[/b] (deliberately like the heavy weapon), the text would change to "thanks". Player1 thanks player 2 for example. What are your thoughts? Also on the subject of gestures, you can wave and point to certain players (and it appears in the corner that you're targeting them), but why can't you do the same to enemies? I'd like to have my teammates know that I'm gesturing to take out a certain hive wizard or fallen captain, or maybe I just want to be funny and wave at the devil walker. I'd like the ability to immerse myself more in the environment. I'm curious what other players think. Are these good ideas? Would you want these/use these in game? Thanks

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