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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Szyx): 7/27/2014 10:30:05 AM

I like my knives...*storytime*

Had two very cool moments in the Crucible with knives as a Hunter and thought I'd share. Both instances happened in the same match on the Moon map. The first moment that I was flabbergasted from was when I was neutralizing capture point A. An enemy on a Pike was coming around the front entrance fast. I saw him on my radar, so I was ready. But he unexpectedly brought the Pike into the room with him, whereas I was thought he would jump off the vehicle. In a twitch reaction, as he goes past me and rams into the crates beside me, I threw a knife right into his head and got the precision kill! Satisfied and thrilled I was at such a lucky shot. It happened so fast. Second instance was in the same room about 2 minutes later. I was defending my recently capped point A, and enemies were closing in, one from the front, and one from capture point B's direction. The enemy from the front comes rushing in and slides towards me. I instinctively looked down and stabbed him right in the head. Insta-kill. I throw a grenade over the A flag, it hurts enemy two and I finished him off with a throwing knife. I walked outta there feeling quite the badass.

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