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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/28/2014 7:16:06 PM

Leave comments here about what you want in the full release of Destiny

mine: [quote]Destiny is probelly one of the best games ive played this year and ive spent about 30 hours playing it but some things that the game would really be better from is more diverse weapon drops, ive killed many "bosses" in destiny and i kinda get let down when he dosent drop all kinds of loot like im used to from borderlands.. i really LOVE when i get an encrypted weapon or armor cause i never know what its going to be but i think there needs to be more chests around the map when playing through missions.. also to make the game customizeable instead of weapon drops, sights, bigger magizeens, etc.. like attachment drops or power up drops that upgrade your weapon for a few seconds... last i think that color and head drops or customization when i first started i made a weird looking robot head and later i thought i would be able to change color and looks but i found out you couldnt and was kinda sad cause in the tower my character would look really bad, this feature i dont really car about because i just care about playin the game but it would be cool to add... --------------------------------- So basicly: Bungie, Add more customizeation to your game.[/quote]

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