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Изменено (A Knights Tail): 9/18/2014 11:44:47 PM

Cryptarch and Cypher Rank

First of all a question to Bungie and the forum: What does my Cryptology Rank do? I have a rank of five have not once scored legendary gear from a legendary Engram, so what is the chance of deciphering a good Engram and getting the gear to match the quality of the Engram or better? And Two; What I think my cryptology rank should do: If it doesn't already I'd like my cryptology rank to actually increase my chances of getting legendary gear from a blue Engram and further increase my chances of scoring a legendary or exotic item from a Legendary Engram. I now open this discussion to all those who read this. If you have the answers to my questions please post below the line. If you feel the same way or have an idea as to what you'd like your cryptology rank to do please also post below the line. Or all those confused with this line it's right here - \/

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