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9/22/2014 6:28:52 PM

Let's change the d pad functions

I'm not sure if this idea has been posted before, a quick glance at the forums didn't bring up anything so here's an idea to add functionality to gameplay. Currently the direction pad is used solely for using the four emotes. But these aren't always necessary or helpful during gameplay, so what if we changed it? Instead of the d pad being a dedicated button, why not treat it as a modifier for the face buttons? You could push up on the pad then use the face buttons x, square, circle, or triangle (a, b, x, and y on Xbox) to do the standard emotes. If you push right then you could hot key consumable items to the face buttons for use during fights. Pushing down could allow players to hot key a primary/secondary/heavy weapon to three face buttons then use the fourth button to bring up a map of the current area you're exploring. Finally if you push left on the d pad you could voice chat with people in your general area so long as you keep the button pressed, kind of like a walkie talkie. Being able to quickly switch between weapons or use consumable items in battle without having to go through the menu seems like it would streamline one aspect of gameplay that is currently clumsy. It would also add functionality to the game that players want and be a better use of the controllers limited amount of buttons. Currently DCUO and FF XIV use the shoulder buttons to modify the face buttons and add more abilities, so it could work well in Destiny too. Not sure how the UI would look but it could be something minimal that pops up when you press a direction to remind you what you hot keyed. Thoughts or suggestions?

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