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10/5/2014 1:07:10 AM

Reward-less Crucible

The completely random loot is okay in some aspects of the game, but NOT in the Crucible. I played 5 Crucible matches in a row with a 1.86-2.83 K/D ratio and got NOT ONE reward. I was the top player in all five matches, had the most kills, the most points, and the highest K/D ratio and didn't get a single reward...not even a rare engram which would be useless at level 27 anyways. This needs to be fixed. The top player of each match should get SOMETHING for being the best player in that game. My god, toss a Strange Coin or Mote of Light or Ascendant Shard or Ascendant Energy or SOMETHING! Ascendant Shards are so damned hard to come by, toss me a bone! You could even limit the number you reward per day or something. Seriously, start rewarding the best players, give us incentive to come back to the game.

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