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10/12/2014 7:18:01 PM

(Matchmaking) Joining a crucible match late sets the player up for failure

Getting thrown into the middle of a crucible match has become a painful ordeal. I would much rather prefer to start a fresh game, than join a losing one. 4 Major issues [b]-One usually spawns on the losing team (because those players are quitting) -The enemy team has full map control -The enemy team has full map control, therefore having full heavy weapon ammo -The enemy team usually has super abilities ready by the time you have joined a game late. [/b] 2 Minor issues - Premade teams with decent map awareness will control the spawn zones and camp them - k/d ratio is going to be wrecked, when a player spawns into a team with rockets,machine guns and supers Suggestions for fixing -Joining a game when it starts, or before the 25% mark is acceptable and winning is still viable. -Joining a game after 25%, or joining into the losing team should give the player a small rep/material buff gain if the player remains -Joining a game later than 50% the player could spawn with his/her super -Give "death forgiveness" for a couple minutes when a player joins midway, and instantly gets annihilated by a super -Give punishments for players who quit regularly in games, encouraging them to finish the match. -Give more incentives for a late players to tough it out on the losing team. These are just some suggestions (I didn't want to come to the forums bitching about something, without having some ideas for a solution)

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