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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (LotsaJam): 4/20/2013 3:42:39 PM

Idea for PvP/Faction Wars

Some people think it would be a good idea to have a skill based ranking system liek 1-50 I think 1-50 would make the player base too divided, because there will probably be level brackets in pvp as well. For example everyone at different levels is split into the brackets: 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50 BUT I think a ranking system is a good idea because: 1. It's fun and keeps people playing pvp 2. It gives people more incentive to win 3. I'm guessing there will be rewards from pvp (gear, weapons, spaceships etc) and it should take some skill to earn them (at least the good ones) So an alternative idea is divisions. For example: Division 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Onyx or any other cool names. Based on Win/loss ratio you can move up or down divisions. There could be a currency for each division and currency from a better division gives you access to better items. So for example: if you're currently in silver division, for every win you get a silver token. These tokens can be used to buy items (gear, weapons, or exchange for money) For example: For 100 iron tokens you can buy a mediocre gun, for 100 silver tokens you can buy a pretty good gun, for 500 onyx tokens you can buy one of the best guns in the game This ensures that it takes skill to get some of the best weapons/gear/stuff, instead of just playing for a certain length of time, which in my opinion it should

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  • I think it should be like this.... Campaign: "The objective of a Campaign is to take over the zones and capital city of the opposite realm. Between the opposing zones in each tier, there is a unique battlefield. Initially, control of the battlefield is divided evenly between Order and Destruction, but as victory points are gained by each side through RvR gameplay, questing, and Public Quests, control of the battlefield shifts to the side with the greater share of those victory points. As your realm gains greater control over an individual battlefield, bonuses are granted to all players on your side within that tier. Earn enough victory points, and your realm will gain full control of that battlefront, and the tier within it. A percentage of victory points from Tier 1 spill over into Tier 2. Likewise, a percentage of victory points from Tier 2 spill over into Tier 3, and from Tier 3 into Tier 4, so your victory points gained in lower tiers increase your points in upper tiers. Even low level players in Tier 1 will ultimately be contributing to the overall war effort. Tier 4 is where each realm will struggle for the ultimate prize – capturing the capital city of an opposing army. Tier 4 is the final battlefront. To open a capital city to attack you will first have to capture the neutral zone in the center. Once you have enough victory points to control that zone, its scenarios will lock down, and scenarios in your enemy’s tier 4 zone will open up, allowing your realm to attack that zone. If your enemies then gain victories of their own they can push the front back to the neutral zone and potentially open up your own Tier 4 zone to attack. This makes Tier 4 a constant struggle for the battlefield. If you gain enough victory points to control the enemy’s Tier 4 zone, the enemy capital city itself will become open to attack, opening up a new range of scenarios inside that city's zone, detailing the attacks on the stronghold. If that attack is successful then the controlling realm will be able to (temporarily) conquer and ransack most of the enemy capital. Burning, looting and special NPC encounters are sure to follow. You will not be able to hold onto your enemy city indefinitely. Systems will be in place that will eventually wrest control of the city back to the rightful owners. When this happens, the campaign will begin again. Each racial paring has a different campaign going on at the same time, and do not effect each other."

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