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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Keebla_): 10/5/2014 9:01:50 AM

I'm giving up on destiny

I can't play any game mode for more than 5 minutes. I either get eel, bee, lion, fly, and I even got pineapple one time. It even kicks me from the tower, wtf. I really loved this game and I thought it would be better after the cryptarch patch but I guess now. I've lost chances to pick up legendary engram because the games signs out right before I get to pick it up, I can't finish any missions to earn anything. Really love the game, no problems in alpha or beta but for the last 5 days I can't play the real game. I guess it's goodbye destiny, until someone can find some glimpse of hope for me and others like me that are being consumed by the darkness of bad servers. They are the worst, more troublesome than vex, hive, or fallen. *UPDATE* It's been fixed now, the awesome bungi community suggested many things but what worked for me in the end was changing my DNS settings to and and having my PS4 in DMZ in my router.

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