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Изменено (Zelse007): 10/18/2014 10:55:49 PM

Team Zelse weekly Vault of Glass community runs

Hi Everyone, For those that do know, Team Zelse runs weekly Vault of Glass runs to help the community out in experiencing Vault of Glass. Whether you're new or someone wanting to clear quick, we help everyone out. We will be expanding this soon by doing more runs throughout the week and eventually into hard modes. I have included a link in this thread to show the latest weekly run from my point of view that we do each week. As you can you, with each new week the runs get faster. There are also other videos/playlists Destiny related to show certain things being done that may of be some help to some of you, so be sure to check them out. If anyone is interested in setting a run up with, feel tree to contact me or to follow our group/clan for updates.

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