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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
10/23/2014 9:17:27 PM

Team Zelse assisting the Destiny community with Vault of Glass weekly

Good Afternoon Everyone, For those that do not know, Team Zelse assists the Destiny community with running Vault of Glass weekly. Initially it use to be once a week; however, it has moved up to 3x a week now since last week and we will be assisting with hard modes soon toon. Our team is about helping the gaming community and getting people a chance to experience content that they normally don't get to experience. I have linked one of the video's I've uploaded to YouTube that show one of the runs we did and there is a playlist on my YouTube account that shows every run we've helped with. No experience is required; however, fun is a requirement. Be sure to check us out if you're interested in a hand. Feel free to contact me on PSN for the times we do this or to check out our group/clan page, If you would like to request a specific time to have these run, let me know and I will see what I can do.

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