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11/6/2014 1:31:29 PM

PS4 looking for clan (Europe timezone)

Hi guys, Level 28 titan here, looking for a clan. Cleared raid several times. I'm looking for a clan where we can schedule weekly and raids. I don't appreciate PvP. Have mic. Looking for Europe timezone. PS4 Regards
#Clans #volunteer

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  • Small Clan looking to boost our numbers for casual playing A La Grime Committee is looking to recruit you into our ranks. whether your a PVE or PVP buff or even like to dabble in a little of both, maybe your not at end game yet and would like to play with people who would be more than happy to help! then maybe A La Grime Committee is the clan for you we are a social guild. who are on most evenings and weekends (GMT time) but more than happy to take any player in from other continents as long as you can speak English (we are based in UK) please apply if the following is you - have a mic (prefer using the PS party chat over destiny in game chat) - happy working with teams - patience (games sometimes don't go the way you want them to, but work out in the end, having the patience to get there is a good start within any team) - okay to play as a team leader and/or fire team member - maturity, age is not an issue as long as you don't act like a child in the party chat. I.e name calling/swearing etc - tactics - strategies work, but finding them can be the hard part, whether watching a video online or even trying to work it out yourself, you are happy to follow who ever is leading to the death (in most cases for 30 seconds) so if you think you fit that description and would like to join our group. please feel free to leave a few details about yourself below. mainly PSN Name Character and level What you are looking for out of A La Grime Committee any questions feel free to mail me on PSN or even in game. regards

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