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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/11/2014 9:11:22 PM

Destiny 2 (or D1 update) WISH LIST!

I think it is fair to say Destiny is an amazing game, both in terms of player engagement and corporate profitability. Home-run. Congratulations. Enjoy your yacht. But, it has [i]yet [/i]to achieve iconic status; we have yet to love it like Halo, and everyone....EVERYONE is wanting, expecting and hoping to love it like they loved Halo; to find "the next thing" to weave into the fabric of the history of our lives the way no mere "video game" ever could. Creating what became a meta-religion [i]AGAIN[/i] is a horrible expectation to walk into work every day and face. So let's give them a little help. [b]So, what easy or hard improvements could Bungie make to Destiny to instantly double your devotion? [/b]Here are mine: [b]EASY:[/b] * [u]"Fair Start".[/u] It will take this from a button smasher (success is less fulfilling) to a strategy shooter (success is very fulfilling) if everyone starts the same. Gimme Gimme * [u]Split Screen.[/u] Even if it means both screens are lower resolution. Sometimes I just want to play with my son beside me. * [u]Betrayal.[/u] Heaven help me, shooting a rocket at my brother when I was mad, was one of the best things about Halo. Also, if you can kill your own people, even by accident, it adds a needed level of strategy and teamwork than we have right now. * [u]More documentation.[/u] It is insane how hard to find the information on playing, upgrading, finding stuff is. * [u]Alien weapon pick-up[/u]. Hey you! Yeah you! Here's a \\Sword// in your gut! [b]HARD(er):[/b] * [u]More in-depth mythos.[/u] I still don't care about any of the characters or story line... and I want to, sooo bad. Get Nylund on it! * [u]Shooting vehicles[/u] that are powerful, and super vulnerable. Let's catapult a Gauss Warthog! It helps better players onboard newer players that can just get on a turret and still have a fun time as the veteran drives. * [u]QUICKER LOAD SCREENS.[/u] I could hard-boil an egg in the time it takes to go from exiting to tower to "boots on the ground" on Venus.

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