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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/20/2014 1:02:11 AM

What the hell happened to Music of the Spheres?!

For those who don't know, Music of the Spheres is a 50-minute suite composed by Marty O'Donnell, Mike Salvatori, and Paul McCartney that served as the musical basis for Destiny's soundtrack. It was supposed to come out before the release of the game, but then of course Marty got shafted by Bungie. Still, as recently as July, two months after he was fired, Marty said that the album was still slated for release before the game. At one point, it looked like it was supposed to come out in August. So what the hell happened? The game has been out for over a week, and we haven't heard a peep about Music of the Spheres. (Or, for that matter, about any soundtrack release.) What gives? Can someone from Bungie please chime in on this, if only to clear the air on whose responsibility it is to get the album released?

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