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11/28/2014 7:47:24 PM

Vice Gamers seeks xbox 360 members

The Vice Gamers Fireteam started during the Beta, and now we have over 60 members. We're currently recruiting more mature members like ourselves who want to play the game without a bunch of squeakers and non-sense. Most of us are in our 20's and 30's. We also enjoy not having to worry about people going AWOL on us during strikes and other things like vault of glass. To join our Clan the process is simple. Head over to and register. Then, request to join our clan on YOU MUST BE REGISTERED ON VICEGAMERS.COM BEFORE WE CAN ACCEPT YOU. Vice Gamers is a a multi-console multi-game community. We have almost 300 registered user on our website. I am the 360 leader seeking destiny players on the xbox 360 but we also have a large group on the ps4. Looking for members to do pve activities (raid, nightfall, strikes, dailies) and also pvp activities. *** **RULES** * Must be 17 or older * Must have a MIC *** **Links** Clan page on [Request to Join HERE]( Website: [](

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