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12/1/2014 9:03:00 AM

#cattle & patch - Go or No Go?

So I've been plagued by #cattle error for the past 4 days which means I cannot even sign in. Recap: - deleted and reinstalled Destiny + Compat Packs 1 & 2 - reset my router - static IP for PS3 - opened required ports - placed PS3 in DMZ - changed Ethernet port connection on my router So now we have a patch that we have no idea what's it's for. Some hope it's for RNG, some for lost items, some for lost characters, some for cattle, bee, weasel, elk and whatever is on Noah's ark. Either way, someone's gonna go off angry and frustrated. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's the fella who is angry that Xur has not sold Icebreaker or Gallarhorn for like forever.... Nonetheless, this raises a question for me. If I can't even sign in because of #cattle error, will I still be able to patch? Or will I be back at square one? Forgotten and ignored.... Trivia, so in case there are those lurking on the forum who likes to just say - "It's your router" or "Learn some basic networking dude" or whatever, I've been playing since launch and if it's really my end of things, I wouldn't have been able to achieve: - 28 hunter / 28 titan - maxed Icebreaker + 3 exotic bounties - maxed Armentarium, Saint-14, Young Arkam's Spine, Crest of Alpha - rank 3 IB blah blah blah blah blah. Bungie's servers and their connections are the problem.

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