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Изменено (SquashTime): 12/2/2014 5:47:38 PM

Unable to consistently load into the game world, constantly being booted back to orbit

In the last week or so I've been unable to reliably connect to the game. I'm getting consistent errors usually of the cacao and sometimes coconut variety When I am able to load into a mission/patrol/tower I often get booted back to orbit (hero/iguana) usually when I travel between zones but sometimes just when I'm in the middle of a fire-fight! I've tried the usual reboot the game/console (PS4) to no avail. I'm a university student and so don't have control over NAT type or port forwarding/opening so hopefully someone can help me with how to solve this problem as it's really hampering my enjoyment of the game in the lead up to The Dark Below

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