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Изменено (Recon Number 54): 11/18/2014 3:41:36 PM

FIVE codes for The Dark Below GIVEAWAY (follow to enter)

Guardians, I'll be giving away FIVE codes for The Dark Below, the upcoming Destiny expansion. To enter for the giveaway, which will occur the first week in December (exact date coming soon), all you have to do is: 1. Follow my Twitch Channel (link above) 2. Respond to this thread and tell me which console you are playing on 3. Contact me/Respond to my message if you win to claim your code. I go live (times in eastern) Sunday 10am-1am (usually a bit later, still live today) Tuesday 6am-9am Thursday 6am-9am Playing Destiny and Halo. Come check it out! ALL GUARDIANS WELCOME

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