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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/10/2014 7:07:54 PM

We'll be getting charged BY THE HOUR a mile down the road...

Remember who argued for every inch of it. YOU. This whole debacle... It's no big deal, eh? Just be strongarmed into spending the money? When horse armor came out for Oblivion (the FIRST DLC for sale, ever) I told everyone not to buy it. You'll set a precedent, I said. DLC is to drive game sales far from a games inception. Again, when map packs for COD jumped in price from WaW to MW2 (for less content), I said don't buy it, they only hear your wallet, not your voice. When Black Ops came out, again, STOP, OR THEY'LL JUST CONTINUE TO PUT A GARBAGE COD OUT EVERY YEAR! This? Is the same thing. The death of this game before it's true birth, and many of you are condoning it.

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