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Изменено (Dog_Of_War_1138): 12/22/2014 11:29:18 AM

FLY error WHILE FLYING; go figure

About 2130 EST, while flying a hijacked Fallen Pike around Anchor of Light and well on my way to filling my Body Dropper bounty in five minutes (I was also planning to drive it into the Temple of Crota to kill the Hive Ogre, completing the mission I was on- how cool would [i]that[/i] have been?), I quite abruptly got kicked to orbit and received a Fly error. I have no other computers or background applications running in my home while I play, my console is hardwired. I am in SE Michigan. I can only assume there was a packet loss from a bunch of people suddenly doing ? something ? online at roughly the same time? This is a very rare error code for me, I normally get Babboon-kicked from the Tower instead. It only sucked that it came in the middle of such an uber-kick-ass moment. It's like the game doesn't want me to kill droves of Fallen that fast... could it be that simple? Was the data coming too fast for the game?

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