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12/28/2014 4:30:43 AM

Weird situation I'm in, leading to a weird question (concerning cross-gen compatibility)

Instead of trying to explain my situation in confusing detail, I'll just ask my odd question that I can't seem to find an answer for: If you've been playing the Xbox 360 retail disc copy of the game, then bought the Xbox One digital guardian edition of the game (which DOES NOT grant your Xbox 360 character the bonus in-game items or expansion pass if you're still just on retail disc copy) -- will my character still transfer to the Xbox One digital copy that I just bought. Hope that makes sense. I'll be getting my Xbox One in about 2 weeks, but didn't want to miss the awesome deal on the Digital Guardian Edition, so I went ahead on jumped on it to have the expansion/game/digital goodies waiting for me when I upgrade in a week or two. I kind of figured the expansion pass and digital goodies wouldn't show up on my character/in-game, but I at least hope all this progress I've been making will still transfer when I upgrade to Xbox One in early January. Basically I wanted to keep playing Destiny in the meantime, but didn't want to buy it again digitally just to join the "free upgrade" campaign, and wanted the expansion pass / digital guardian goodies. Would love to get some official Bungie response to this. It's such an odd set of variables that googling it was hopeless.

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