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Изменено (CapnMerika121): 1/3/2015 2:40:38 PM

bad news for destiny

I have seen a group of people posting they are going to pay lizard squad to shut down destiny servers and continue to shut them down until bungie wakes up and give the players the game they paid for I for one hope it happens I hope BUNJIE gets what they have coming to them for ripping everyone off and slapping us in the face !!!-blam!- you BUNJIE is all I can say make our vog gear useless what kinda bullshit is that !!i hope they hit your servers and I hope they continue to hit them so no one can play this once what was good game but now is just bullshit !and when it does happen hopefully you -blam!-s will wake up an realize just how many fans you have lost due to your lack of caring about your fans and your pathetic lies !!!

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