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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/23/2015 3:06:30 PM

What's With the Red Death Love?

So I got this from a raid and it was like, "meh." It's a pulse rifle. It looks super cool, maybe fun for using on ROC or patrol. At this point I could use a slingshot just to mix things up. Using that as my exotic as opposed to the many other superior (?) exotics, doesn't seem likely. So the question is this: Is it actually a good gun or does it simply fill a niche for hard mode raiders? I haven't leveled it, but this seems like another Gjellyhorn gun. A few people that legit need it say they want it. Shortly thereafter, the entire community freaks out because they want it. The. Xur sells it and everyone's heads explode because it was unearned.

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