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1/22/2015 1:22:30 AM

Driven To Hate PS4

Looking for players to join our ranks in the fight against Crota! Leader and main officer have been apart of multiple top ranked WW clans and guilds across numerous gaming platforms. Looking for players to fill raid positions as well as group for weekly and nightfall. Requirements: 1. Must have Mic 2. Must be level 28+ 3. Must be Mature. We don't want people getting carried away with their ADHD. No exceptional skill requirement however we know different players are good at different things. It's our job to figure out what you're best at and nurture your abilities to grow as a player. We play crucible and do about everything there is to do in the game. Crucible teams will be broken into best balanced which will be announced on clan announcements. Add me on PSN- MURDA-MAKK or DTH officer plaz22 We look forward to meeting the new recruits!

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