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Изменено (LJ): 1/30/2015 4:29:13 AM

Xür's Loot tomorrow CONFIRMED (link)

Went into the arrival coding and found Xur's loot for tomorrow. Used several le hacks but got in. Took longer than I thought it would. Here: Warlock: Skull of Dire Ahamkara Titan: Arnamentarium Hunter: Mask of the third man Exotic shard Weapon: Red Death No engram Upgrades (in order): Helm of Inmost light, Arnamentarium, Achlyophage Symbiote, Mask of the third man, Voidfang Vestments, Sunbreakers, (Weaps) Truth, Thunderlord, Red Death, Hard Light, Universal Remote, The Last Word, Thorn (No Playstation gun this week) Emerald Coil Plasma Coil Heavy Ammo Synthesis (5x One coin) Proof here: [spoiler]numbers and hacking Internet intensifies[/spoiler]

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