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DadsOfDestiny Harbingers

"Praesagionis Paternitas - Harbingers of Fatherhood"

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  • Основные цели

    DoD Harbingers is a PS4-based clan belonging to the Dads Of Destiny Alliance. We feature friendly, mature members who understand that playing Destiny is important, but not as important as a good work-life balance. Joining our clan means that you'll always be able to find someone to help you "push back the darkness" and you can rest assured that when you have to leave Destiny to change a diaper, warm a bottle, pay attention to your spouse, or go to work...we will be here waiting for you when you return. Life takes point...but we have your back.

  • Участие

    536 Участники
    Общее количество пользователей, вступивших в эту группу
    10 Стаж группы
    Срок активности этой группы (в годах)
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  • Отмечено

впервые опубликовано в:DadsOfDestiny Harbingers
3/14/2015 2:38:23 PM

Congratulations awoogs, welcome to the admin team!

Congratulations awoogs, welcome to the admin team! You have been a pillar of this community and it is my pleasure to share in promoting you to clan admin. Thank you for all you do!

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