They make everything complicated and ranking up can be too easy/too hard with them...
Edit: Holy crap this got popular...
I'm fine with light levels... What they need to do is tweak rewards for XP levels. I reached another XP level then other day, maybe for the 150th time, I don't know... But I got one mote of light for my efforts. One mote of light.
I love the light system. Way better than stupid XP leveling.
This game is absolute shit and Bungie are nothing but disgusting pieces of shit filled with greed.
Who remembers halo: reach and that leveling system... That was an awesome ranking system.
Not fair how even the most skilled were stuck at 29 for ages. Do you want that to happen again? DO YOU?!
How about tiering by lvl and lag time? That way there is just gear and skill left. That way lvl is mostly a pve thing.
On one of the screenshots of TTK there was the green XP levelling up bar at the bottom (I can't find the screenshot now sorry). So hopefully unlike the previous DLCs, we will have to level up the old fashion way for a while before light level kicks in again. I don't know exactly how this would work as if we remove our gear we would all drop down to level 20 again.
Hell no. There's no sense of progression. Only luck.
Edited by Yes I Make Puns: 7/4/2015 8:39:19 PMLight leveling is one of the dumbest ideas out there because it's your armor that's important-not you. I'm not saying we should revert to prestige or whatever like CoD, but there should be a large levelcap that is fun to work up to. In Destiny, you are only as good as your armor-armor that thousands of other people have. So become legend-and look exactly like everybody else. Edit: I know that being a high level in Iron Banner, etc. could be a problem, but perhaps having same level people paired up together in matchmaking could work. In world of tanks, you could be tier 7 and paired up to tier 9 or as low as tier 5. This could help spread out high leveled players. These are just my thoughts and they aren't very good so don't hate too much.
Yes no one wants another cod