How's a Defender supposed to get orbs to his teammates if they just float off into space? Nerf Drifter's gravity plz bungo.
Bump to save the orbs.
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I love the no gravity effects for guardians bodies (cartwheels etc.) but yes for the orbs generated it sucks watching them float away lol
The zero gravity effect is so annoying. Ill even get killed just because i think i see someone jumping in the a dead body flying swiftly through the air...then i add my own to the collection.
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I find the effect irritating. People complained in year one about the lack of gravity effects, say on the moon and Mars, and this is what they do? When you die suddenly gravity doesn't effect you? Even though this is a commonly held misconception about gravity, the strength of gravity doesn't decrease as much as you simply enter a state of free fall. Orbit a planet fast enough, and you can free fall while maintains equilibrium. It's pseudoscience and its stupid. I get its fantasy, but let's not go making up physics phenomenon that don't make any sense.
Oh yeah.... I'm a Sunbreaker in PvP though. But why can't [b]I[/b] float if my dead body can? I want low gravity for people!